GET V1 ems/plates/nextBarcodeNumber

Gets the next barcode number for a Plate. This barcode number is used in generating the full Plate barcode.

Request Information

Example Request

To get the next barcode number for a Plate, make the following API call: GET /ems/plates/nextBarcodeNumber

Request Detail

It should be noted that this is not a normal GET request. The request has side-effects in that it advances the barcode number sequence and is not idempotent as multiple calls will all generate unique responses.

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200 (OK) The request has completed successfully. The barcode number will be contained in the response body (see below).

Response Detail

The barcode number returned will be in the range 1 - 999999 inclusive.

Response Body Formats

application/json, text/json


application/xml, text/xml

<int xmlns="">123456</int>