GET V1 ems/factors/conditions

Gets all condition factors in the EMS. Each Condition object returns a collection of Units available for it.


This endpoint requires the api-username and api-usertoken headers for authentication.

Request Information

Example Request

To get all conditions in the EMS, make the following API call: GET /ems/factors/conditions

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200 (OK) The request has completed successfully. The Conditions will be contained in the response body (see below).

Response Detail

An empty Units collection for a Condition means there are no units defined for it.

Response Body Formats

application/json, text/json

    "ID": 12345,
    "Name": "Condition 1",
    "Units": [
        "ID": 101,
        "Name": "Unit 1"
        "ID": 102,
        "Name": "Unit 2"
    "ID": 67890,
    "Name": "Condition 2",
    "Units": []

application/xml, text/xml

<ArrayOfCondition xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <Name>Condition 1</Name>
        <Name>Unit 1</Name>
        <Name>Unit 2</Name>
    <Name>Condition 2</Name>
    <Units />