GET V1 ems/attachments/{identifier}

Retrieves the attachment from the EMS repository with the given identifier.


This endpoint requires the api-username and api-usertoken headers for authentication.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
The identifier for the required attachment, in the form of a GUID, with or without hyphens

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Example Request

To get the attachment with the identifier 2421042979a6474a872e77f046b8802e, making the following API call. Note that the Accept header must be set to accept any type of content.

GET /ems/attachments/2421042979a6474a872e77f046b8802e
Accept: */*; version=1

Response Information

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200 (OK) The request completed successfully, and the contents of the attachment are returned directly in the response body.
404 (Not Found) No attachment with the given identifier was found.
406 (Not Acceptable) The Accept header of your request does not list */* as an acceptable media type.

Response Detail

The contents of the file are returned directly to the client as a binary stream. The Content-Type and Content-Disposition response headers will return the MIME type and filename of the attachment, if known.